Monday, March 15, 2010


So I'm supposed to be writing a critque of the death penalty for english class...except I've decided that class isn't worth my time and will probably spend the rest of the semester plotting ways to not to do work and still get an A because I am seriously that good at both BULLSHITTING papers and WRITING papers. If I was to actually pay attention I would seriously fear for my intelligence. There are many things I can tolerate. That class is not among them.

highly considering dropping out of OCC and going somewhere where I wont want to stab myself on a daily basis.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Sup blog. What’s up.
It’s three AM and I feel compelled to write a new entry, despite the fact that I often times ignore you for long spans of time like you were some kind of red headed stepchild. I still love you. I just love you less than, say, sleeping. Or playing pokemon. Or harvesting crops on Farmville. And I honestly don’t mean the last bit in a negative sense, because Farmville owns a special place in my heart where lame things like my red commie ipod, Lil’ Trotsky, hot cocoa with extra marshmallows and my collection of stolen TD bank pens reside. It’s almost like slightly more badass, less depressing island of misfit toys. But I digress.

Fifteen straight months of school start Monday. Lets take a moment to weigh the pros and cons of my current scholastic situation.

After these 15 months, I will be the proud owner of a Liberal Arts Associates degree.
More time to find a job/ save money.
I will no longer have to go to Ocean County College ever again.
I can go to real school (aka. Not community college).
I’ll be nineteen?

No summer break.
Chances of car taking minor parking lot accident damage rises by 100%.
Can’t sleep in till two in the afternoon anymore.
Can’t stay awake until five in the morning anymore.
Will have to suffer the fifteen minute drive four out of five days a week until May.
May have to take anger management courses to avoid not wrecking the faces of my class mates with nothing but a pencil and an overpriced textbook, which not only was the cause of financial rape when purchased, but will come back for one last laugh when you can only sell it for a fraction of what you paid, even if you didn’t make a single mark, didn’t fold a single page, and took it to Rome to be blessed by His Holiness, the pope.

Well. On that note, Goodnight blog.
See you sometime in the near future.